The Company of Communicators believes Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) are essential principles to be upheld.
Like much of the Communications industry in the UK, we recognise the need for greater inclusion and representation in our Company. Research by industry associations PRCA and CIPR has identified barriers to entry and progression for under-represented groups.
So earlier this year we held the first in a planned series of focus groups to take a deep dive into the current state of play on DEI in our industry as seen by senior Black professionals. In future, we will explore other intersectional identities such as gender, social class and sexual identity that also have direct impacts.
As this report highlights, steps are needed to address a number of cultural and practical changes to enable all in our profession to thrive. By way of example, we will develop a plan for the Company to act on the DEI priorities that have been identified.
This is what the Company of Communicators seeks to achieve with our membership and through our sphere of influence with those who also want to see change.
View the report here